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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can't We Just Have Fun?

It seems that there is so much negativity in our world today: Brittney Spears is teaming up with Kohl's to dress our daughters (now that's positive reinforcement), the financial world is upside down, and I might have to grow my own garden! Yikes

Isn't it time we started having some fun? A few high school students seem to think so.

A few nights ago I was watching a news show when a clip appeared. It showed high school kids having fun for a change. They were dressed like animals (looked like school mascots) and going to the grocery stores. I have to tell you when the chicken started inspecting the store's eggs, I started rolling with laughter, it was pretty funny. Teenagers have a great sense of humor. Finally, good clean fun. They weren't hurting anyone, being rude, or destructive. Just being kids.

A few days later I watched as our youngest daughter, Jordan left the house in some wild outfit. "Where are you going in that?" I asked.
"Oh, just wait and see!" She laughed.

Now watch and you be the judge....do kids just want to have fun?

Maybe frogs really do become princes, or maybe Jordan's youth pastor, DJ Jorgensen and his wife Vanessa are a couple of nuts! What ever the case, downtown Grand Junction will never look the same to me!

Just go out this week and have some good clean fun.

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