When a friend first told me about “The Shred” I thought that she had a new kitchen gadget. I was unaware that she actually had something that would change my life, and as you can see from my vintage photo I needed a little changing long ago.
Now, I’ve heard of shredding lettuce, cheese, and maybe even unwanted documents. But really, shredding my body; how does that work? I was curious to find out so I ordered “The 30 Day Shred” video from Jillian Michaels. The advertising on the front cover claimed that you could lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. And each session is only 20 minutes long, “Perfect for my busy schedule!”
I knew that Jillian was a Nazi weight trainer on the hit T.V. series, The Biggest Loser, but I had no idea she would soon become my personal trainer (that is via DVD) and kick my gluteus Maximus.
When the DVD first came in the mail my oldest daughter, Jolene, was visiting so I said, “Hey, let’s give this a try.” Need I say that 20 minutes later I could hardly walk?
Within a couple of days I began to feel stomach muscles (I believe the six pack is only a few weeks away). My energy level increased and I began to sleep though the night. This is all good news for someone who has an alarm clock in her head that goes off at 3:00am.
Jillian is a cheerleader for the over comer. At the age of 14 she weighed 175 pounds. Her mother took her to a martial arts instructor, knowing that her daughter needed discipline in her eating habits and in her thinking patterns.
While being interviewed on the Huckabee show, Jillian states, “I recall sitting outside the gym waiting for my class to start. I was eating a whole bag of Cheetos. My instructor had been watching me from the corner of his eye. When it was my turn for class he told me to go home. He wasn’t going to train me. He said I had no discipline and was wasting my time and his.”
A few weeks later Jillian had a wake up call. She knew she had to take authority over her life. She begged the instructor to take her back and promised that she would work hard. Today Jillian is helping millions of people not only lose weight but to get mentally tough. She pushes people to get past their limits. She has not only mastered discipline she demands it.
I don’t mean to sound like an infomercial but I think Jillian offers us a challenge as believers. I think it’s time to start the 30 day shred not only for our bodies but for our minds.
Some of us need to shred our minds from fear, hate, resentment, bitterness, self-doubt, negative self-talk, anger, bad habits, etc... Moms, girls, we can push through this together. We can become the women God intended for us to be. We can and should become women who know that all things are possible and that through Christ we can do all things.
I’ve asked my daughter, Jordan to commit with me. We’ve committed 20 minutes a day (not on the Sabbath) to work out our bodies and 20 minutes a day to get into the Word of God and work out our minds. We would like for you to join us in this challenge beginning June 1st.
Now if we are going to succeed we have to have a goal.
June’s goal looks like this: (you will need to make your own goal)
1. Lose 4 pounds,
2. Firm up arms, stomach, rear, and legs.
3. I want to run three miles without stopping by Sept 18th, 2009.
1. Get rid of doubt
2. Get mentally tough and know for sure that I can do all things through Christ
3. Take thoughts captive immediately
4. Know that every trial and trouble that I face Jesus already took care of it on the cross and it will all workout for good.
5. Have a great time with Jordan while reaching my goals
At this year’s Wake Up Sleeping Beauty kick-off which will be Sept 18th, 2009, I would like to share a few of your triumphs. I would like to know what you've overcome mentally as well as physically, so please stay in touch with me this summer. Maybe even send me pictures of the new you.
Now, to order your shred and to get started go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00127RAJY/?tag=yahhyd-20&hvadid=50494715511&ref=pd_sl_62ogoc9x8c_e
Remember June 1st, 2009 we will all begin together. I can hardly wait for our new summer adventure, how about you?
Please E-mail me at june@wakeupsleepingbeauty.com and let me know your commitment. I can't wait to hear your stories in September.
Love ya,
Now, I’ve heard of shredding lettuce, cheese, and maybe even unwanted documents. But really, shredding my body; how does that work? I was curious to find out so I ordered “The 30 Day Shred” video from Jillian Michaels. The advertising on the front cover claimed that you could lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. And each session is only 20 minutes long, “Perfect for my busy schedule!”
I knew that Jillian was a Nazi weight trainer on the hit T.V. series, The Biggest Loser, but I had no idea she would soon become my personal trainer (that is via DVD) and kick my gluteus Maximus.
When the DVD first came in the mail my oldest daughter, Jolene, was visiting so I said, “Hey, let’s give this a try.” Need I say that 20 minutes later I could hardly walk?
Within a couple of days I began to feel stomach muscles (I believe the six pack is only a few weeks away). My energy level increased and I began to sleep though the night. This is all good news for someone who has an alarm clock in her head that goes off at 3:00am.
Jillian is a cheerleader for the over comer. At the age of 14 she weighed 175 pounds. Her mother took her to a martial arts instructor, knowing that her daughter needed discipline in her eating habits and in her thinking patterns.
While being interviewed on the Huckabee show, Jillian states, “I recall sitting outside the gym waiting for my class to start. I was eating a whole bag of Cheetos. My instructor had been watching me from the corner of his eye. When it was my turn for class he told me to go home. He wasn’t going to train me. He said I had no discipline and was wasting my time and his.”
A few weeks later Jillian had a wake up call. She knew she had to take authority over her life. She begged the instructor to take her back and promised that she would work hard. Today Jillian is helping millions of people not only lose weight but to get mentally tough. She pushes people to get past their limits. She has not only mastered discipline she demands it.
I don’t mean to sound like an infomercial but I think Jillian offers us a challenge as believers. I think it’s time to start the 30 day shred not only for our bodies but for our minds.
Some of us need to shred our minds from fear, hate, resentment, bitterness, self-doubt, negative self-talk, anger, bad habits, etc... Moms, girls, we can push through this together. We can become the women God intended for us to be. We can and should become women who know that all things are possible and that through Christ we can do all things.
I’ve asked my daughter, Jordan to commit with me. We’ve committed 20 minutes a day (not on the Sabbath) to work out our bodies and 20 minutes a day to get into the Word of God and work out our minds. We would like for you to join us in this challenge beginning June 1st.
Now if we are going to succeed we have to have a goal.
June’s goal looks like this: (you will need to make your own goal)
1. Lose 4 pounds,
2. Firm up arms, stomach, rear, and legs.
3. I want to run three miles without stopping by Sept 18th, 2009.
1. Get rid of doubt
2. Get mentally tough and know for sure that I can do all things through Christ
3. Take thoughts captive immediately
4. Know that every trial and trouble that I face Jesus already took care of it on the cross and it will all workout for good.
5. Have a great time with Jordan while reaching my goals
At this year’s Wake Up Sleeping Beauty kick-off which will be Sept 18th, 2009, I would like to share a few of your triumphs. I would like to know what you've overcome mentally as well as physically, so please stay in touch with me this summer. Maybe even send me pictures of the new you.
Now, to order your shred and to get started go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00127RAJY/?tag=yahhyd-20&hvadid=50494715511&ref=pd_sl_62ogoc9x8c_e
Remember June 1st, 2009 we will all begin together. I can hardly wait for our new summer adventure, how about you?
Please E-mail me at june@wakeupsleepingbeauty.com and let me know your commitment. I can't wait to hear your stories in September.
Love ya,