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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Trailer for "Wake Up Sleeping Beauty: Finding True Love's Kiss"
Wake Up Ministries
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Dead Woman Opens Her Eyes and LIVES!
Last Sunday night I got the chance to share my testimony with a men’s group (Warriors at Heart) and their wives. I shared with them Ephesians 2:1-2 where the Apostle Paul tells the Ephesians that they were dead in their trespasses and sins, in which they formerly walked according to the course of the world, according to the prince of the power of the air (Satan), of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. I shared with great confidence how we are or were all dead because of our sins and how God had sent me back to the mortuary (spiritually) to open the eyes of the dead through “True Love’s Kiss” (His Truth).
Let me make this clear. What gets us dead (blinded or asleep) and in the casket is Satan’s lies. If we believe Satan’s lies more that we believe God’s truth, we sin. God calls this an unbelieving heart. Worse yet, in the book of Hebrews He calls it an evil heart and He says that because of their unbelief the Israelites couldn’t enter the promise land (Hebrew 3:11-19). Yikes! Do you hear me? Unbelief is great sin!
So after preaching this concept to the group I came home and went to bed. At 2:00am I awoke with great turmoil in my soul. I asked the LORD, “What lie am I believing? I know that when I trust in You, God, there is peace. So show me the lie.”
God showed me I was trusting in man and not in Him. The status of our economy was causing me to be fearful “Oh, we’ve worked so hard and real estate is in the tank. Who will want to buy anything, all of our property values are down. How should we invest, will we survive?” The worries kept coming. Now keep in mind I had just given my testimony on how God had saved Jay and I in the 1980’s through one of the toughest economic periods in Grand Junction.
So I got out of bed and repented. “God I’m sorry that I’ve worried about any of this. Please forgive me and give me the faith to believe.”
I know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). So I began to dive into the Scriptures. He took me to Ps. 128, and then to Ps. 1, we soon jumped all the way back to Gen. 39:2-3, 23 and finally we ended our faith journey at Deut. 28. That’s right, entering the Promise Land. The message was clear to me; those who will trust in God, keep His ways, and be obedient have nothing to fear because, God will command the blessing upon you. God will establish you as a holy person. The LORD will make you abound in prosperity. The LORD will open His good storehouse, the heaves to give rain…and to bless all the work of your hand…. The LORD shall make you the head and not the tail (Deut. 28 1-14). Do you see the picture? It’s all up to the Lord. He will do what He says! Just believe and obey!
When Satan came into my bedroom that Sunday night I’m sure he was ready to close the casket on the dead person (a women who was believing his lies). But I scared the snot out of him. I received “True Love’s Kiss,” the Truth and it set me free. That’s right, a dead woman opens her eyes and lives! How about you? Is there a lie that Satan is telling you and you believe the lie more than the TRUTH of CHRIST? If there is, get up, and get into the Word and receive the Truth because it will set you free!
Monday, December 6, 2010
June's 10 Reasons not to post on Facebook
June’s 10 reasons not to post on Facebook:
1. Your insecurities swim around and around in your stomach like Nemo swirling in a flushed toilet bowl, trying to escape with no avail, as you see your old boyfriends pictures pasted on Facebook with other girls.
2. You dream of becoming famous, the next “Julia” so you keep updating your status daily hoping a large crowd will begin to follow you.
3. You post your status nonchalantly but in reality you are saying, “Look at me...look at me... I’m so great!”
4. You post your pictures or comments knowing it’s going to cause someone pain, confusion, or jealousy and that is your intent.
5. Every picture you take during the season is only for the sake of Facebook. The pasted on smile is worn by millions but is it genuine?
6. You are stocking someone. You’re obsessed with what is going on in their life, and it affects how you feel about yourself. You know in your gut that entering into their space may cause you pain, but you have to see whom they are talking to and connected with.
7. When you log out of Facebook, you feel unimportant, insecure, sad, and just plain lonely.
8. Your profile picture is picked to create an image of yourself. Girlfriend, you are created in the image of God. How much more beautiful could you be!
9. You don’t think of anyone else’s feelings, emotions, or heart when you post pictures or’s all about you!
10. And finally the reason you should think twice about getting on Facebook this holiday season’s not the real thing. Call your friends and spend time with them in person. Let them see and feel your real motives and hearts desires!
Girls, I have nothing against Facebook. I see it like prescription drugs; if used according to directions, healing and health take place ,but if abused... addictions, bad behaviors, and destruction of life and relationships occurs. I think it’s a great tool to connect and communicate with others, but if the heart is wrong...disastrous.
The greatest command that we have is to LOVE God will all our heart, mind and soul. Then the second command is to LOVE our neighbors as ourselves. As we get on Facebook this season will you ask yourself two questions: Does your post or pictures bring God glory or yourself? Is the comment or picture going to hurt someone else?
Have an amazing Holy Season and might we all truly Love our Savior Jesus Christ and others as ourselves.
I love you,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Who's Watching You?---You Tube
Friday, March 5, 2010
Who's Watching You? "The Day Spa"
Who’s watching you, or better yet, who is listening to you? Recently I was at the hair salon (in Grand Junction they are known as “Day Spas”). I guess it makes them sound more glamorous even if you are just getting your toes painted.
While watching the nail technician carefully apply a coat of red paint to my little toes I overhead the stylist next to me talking to her client. Now, I was not trying to be nosy, it’s just that the client had her head in the shampoo bowl and she was practically shouting (note to self…never talk while you are under the water hose at the “Day Spa”).
The stylist and the client were both very hip moms in their late twenties and apparently they had attended their daughters’ dance recital at the school the night before.
“My daughter was so upset when she came home last night.” Said the client. “The little boy that she had to dance with was terrible and it was humiliating for her!”
“Yea, I saw them.” said the stylist. “What did you say to her?”
“I told her, he was terrible and that nobody thought it was her fault. Nobody would have wanted to dance with him. He was an embarrassment and she was wonderful."
After the towel was put on her head and she was lifted out of the sink she turned to the stylist to say, “I want my daughter to have a good self esteem; I was not going to let her take any of the blame.”
You have no idea how much I wanted to jump out of my chair and get into a girl fight right there in the “Day Spa.” I could envision grabbing this woman up by the collar and saying, “Look Sparky, your daughter’s self confidence is not going to come by you being mean and putting down eight year-olds.” I was fearless and had all the words ready to go and then reality set in… how tough could I really be with purple separators between my toes?
While my flesh was fuming at the cruelty of these two moms, my spirit ached for this little boy that I didn’t even know. I’m thinking this little boy is created in the image and likeness of God. He has a mom that would be devastated to overhear this conversation. He’s one of God’s creations! So what if he can’t dance? Dancing doesn’t make him a great person or a bad one and it’s certainly not a good reason to be so negative towards him. How mean can woman be? Tears started welling up in my eyes as the enormity of my own sins surfaced. How many times had I said something bad about someone (God’s creation) in conversation? Or been critical? Judgmental? How hurt was God when I talked about His children?
I found myself in deep thought and no longer wanted to abuse these two young moms but desired to love them. I wanted to call everyone that I’ve ever hurt with mean words and say I’m sorry. But most of all I wanted to repent and ask for forgiveness.
The buzzer sounded and my toes were dry, the moms were long gone, but the fruit of their words were dripping with disaster.
Who is watching you? Who is listening to you? What kind of impact are you making on those around you?
“Death and Life are in the power of your tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverb 18:21).
I’d love to hear your stories about being watched or watching others.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Are You Dead, Alive, or Inactive?
Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to be laying in a casket? How would you feel when the casket lid begins to close?
Last night I had the awesome privilege of speaking to a group of college girls. They were so young, fresh, energetic, wrinkle free and alive… or were they?
I began to tell them about my dreams as a little girl. More than anything else in the world I wanted to be a mom and wife to some drop-dead gorgeous husband. I wanted the perfect family, a family that would love each other and would make a difference in the world. However, the choices I was making were not leading me to this lifestyle.
At the age of 18 I found myself pregnant, then married, and living in a mortuary. The mortuary wasn’t exactly my dream home. Sure it was a white three-story house with a fenced in backyard. But instead of grass in the yard there were headstones; instead of being warm and charming it was like the Amityville horror house.
I began to tell the girls about the chores that were expected of Jay and me at the mortuary. Every Thursday night, while Jay was away working another job, I was required to close the mortuary down for the night. The last two duties on the list were to close the casket (with the dead body in it) and turn off the lights. I remember the first time like it was yesterday. I slowly made my way down the aisle of the chapel, knowing that at the end waited a dead person who needed to be “shut in” for the night. I took a deep breath as I approached the casket. Quietly, slowly, I closed the upper half of the casket, hoping the body within it wouldn’t suddenly open his eyes and spring back to life! Then, without taking my eyes off the casket, I reached for the lamp that illuminated the room. My fingers fumbled as they searched for the little black control. I took a deep breath and turned the switch; the room became black as a dungeon. I raced down the aisle, like an escaping prisoner. A sharp left turn at the end of the aisle and I was sprinting toward the stairs to the tower (our apartment). I leaped up the stairs, three at a time, darted through the living room and kitchen until I reached the sofa in the family room where our four-month-old daughter lay sleeping peacefully. I sat next to that sleeping baby, my heart pounding so loudly that my eardrums felt like they would explode. I waited, barely breathing, so I could hear every sound until my husband returned home at around midnight.
While speaking I noticed a beautiful young girl sitting in the front. She was fighting hard to keep the tears back. What was her story? What was impacting her?
As I ended my talk I told the girls about the greatness of God. I shared how He had moved mountains in my life and when I decided to obey Him instead of living my life according to the ways of the world that God transformed Jay and I physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.
I then brought the girls back to the memories of the mortuary. I asked them, “Do you remember how I would close the dead person in for the night? How I feared that the dead person might open his eyes and come back to life?” I said, “You were probably thinking, that’s scary, I would never live in a mortuary. But the truth of the matter is that according to the apostle Paul, you either are or have lived in the mortuary. You are dead in your sins because you have followed the ways of the prince of this world (Satan) (Eph. 2). “Girls, Satan’s biggest fear is that you will receive “True Love’s Kiss” from the “Prince of Peace” (Jesus Christ) and your eyes will be opened and you will learn God’s ways and obey Him and live your life full of blessings and not curses. Is there anyone in here that wants their eyes opened and live like God intends for you to live? Who wants to scare the hebe gebies out of Satan? Who wants Jesus?” I said.
No longer could the girl in the front row hold her tears back. Jesus was wrapping His loving arms around her and drawing her to Himself. It’s as if He was saying to her, “May I kiss you, may I love you?” This young single mom melted into His arms.
“Yes, Jesus, yes!” I said. Thank you God for allowing another person the option to leave the mortuary tonight.
Some of us have been kissed, we know Jesus, but we’ve never left the mortuary. We’ve never resolved in our hearts to walk with him therefore we just waste our lives lying in the coffin in our inactive outfit. What lies are you falling for? What’s holding you back from living…I mean truly living? Hurry, it’s closing time … open your eyes and scare the living snot out of the enemy… start living your life with the intention of bringing God glory.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fellhauer Claims World Title - Fowler, CO - Fowler Tribune

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About Me
- June
- Author/Founder of Wake Up Ministries. I am a mother of four girls, and married to my high school sweetheart. I love Jesus, and I have a passion for young women to know His word.