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Monday, December 6, 2010

June's 10 Reasons not to post on Facebook

How are you going to stay connected to your friends this Christmas break? I bet I have a good idea...Facebook! Before you log in, check your heart with June’s 10 reasons’ not to post on Facebook.

June’s 10 reasons not to post on Facebook:

1. Your insecurities swim around and around in your stomach like Nemo swirling in a flushed toilet bowl, trying to escape with no avail, as you see your old boyfriends pictures pasted on Facebook with other girls.

2. You dream of becoming famous, the next “Julia” so you keep updating your status daily hoping a large crowd will begin to follow you.

3. You post your status nonchalantly but in reality you are saying, “Look at me...look at me... I’m so great!”

4. You post your pictures or comments knowing it’s going to cause someone pain, confusion, or jealousy and that is your intent.

5. Every picture you take during the season is only for the sake of Facebook. The pasted on smile is worn by millions but is it genuine?

6. You are stocking someone. You’re obsessed with what is going on in their life, and it affects how you feel about yourself. You know in your gut that entering into their space may cause you pain, but you have to see whom they are talking to and connected with.

7. When you log out of Facebook, you feel unimportant, insecure, sad, and just plain lonely.

8. Your profile picture is picked to create an image of yourself. Girlfriend, you are created in the image of God. How much more beautiful could you be!

9. You don’t think of anyone else’s feelings, emotions, or heart when you post pictures or comments...it’s all about you!

10. And finally the reason you should think twice about getting on Facebook this holiday season is...it’s not the real thing. Call your friends and spend time with them in person. Let them see and feel your real motives and hearts desires!

Girls, I have nothing against Facebook. I see it like prescription drugs; if used according to directions, healing and health take place ,but if abused... addictions, bad behaviors, and destruction of life and relationships occurs. I think it’s a great tool to connect and communicate with others, but if the heart is wrong...disastrous.

The greatest command that we have is to LOVE God will all our heart, mind and soul. Then the second command is to LOVE our neighbors as ourselves. As we get on Facebook this season will you ask yourself two questions: Does your post or pictures bring God glory or yourself? Is the comment or picture going to hurt someone else?

Have an amazing Holy Season and might we all truly Love our Savior Jesus Christ and others as ourselves.

I love you,


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