Wake Up Call

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Thursday, January 8, 2009


"Twilight," over two million copies have been sold and now it's the number one hit at the box office. Why?

Over Christmas break I reluctantly decide to accompany my two daughters, Jerrilyn and Jordan, to this box office hit "Twilight."

"Why are so many girls infatuated with a young beautiful girl falling in love with a vampire?" I asked myself. I was curious about the movie, but was determined not to get sucked into the plot.
After waiting in line (that is for the popcorn) I nestled myself into the comfortable rocking chair next to Jerrilyn. She'd seen it once with her husband (he gets a gold star for enduring a chick flick) and couldn't wait for me to see it.

Bella, a young beautiful girl, just moved into an unfamiliar, cold, rainy, town in Oregon with her father. Kids are drawn to the new girl in school, especially a young man named Edward.

"She can't be attracted to Edward, he's not even good looking" I sighed as Edward appeared as large as life on the movie screen.


As the plot began to thicken, and my popcorn emptied, I found myself sitting up in my chair being drawn to this teenage vampire, Edward.

Why was I all of the sudden finding him attractive? Could it be that he saved her life, that he protected her; or that he was faster than lightning and tittered on the edge of good and evil? Maybe I fell for him because he listened to her and wanted to know her theories. No, perhaps it was because he denied his fleshly impulses of having sex with her because he knew it would change her live forever. All of these characteristics attracted me to Edward but there was one thing that rocked my world. Not only was he willing to die for her; he was willing to live for her. His life would be spent protecting, providing, and being intimate with Bella.

Romeo and Juliet had the dying part down but now Edward comes out of no where and teaches us how to live for somebody else. "Brilliant!" I said to myself.

I ask you: What are you living for? Who are you living for? Why are you living for it or them?

Keep me posted,



polkadot said...

hey june...thanks for posting! i became your first blog follower ;) (this is sarah struwe) i am listed as "the polka dot family" under my blog..anyway, thanks for sharing, i will be reading along! ;)

Anonymous said...

okay so you posted this and i was just wondering if you think that twilight is bad and if a christian girl should watch it

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