Wake Up Call

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Sexting is The Next Deadly Weapon of The Enemy!

Moms, girls, please listen to this. The enemy is at it again. He wants to destroy our kids emotionally and physically. What's his greatest tool? SEX! And sex of any kind. Satan knows that it destroys souls and families. Even great kingdoms have fallen because of moral decline. All other sins are outside the body but immoral sex hurts the core of the body. We have to pay attention to the lies that Satan is feeding our youth.

Last night on Fox News the new 2007 birth statistics came out.
The birth rate for teenage girls rose 5 percent between 2005 and 2007, according to the report.
The previously reported increase in 2006 ended 14 straight years of decline. The rate rose again in 2007 by 1 percent over the prior year to 42.5 births per 1,000 girls aged 15-19.
That's not all. A record 39.7 percent of babies in 2007 were born to unmarried women over the age of 19. Including 71.6 percent born to African American women and 51.3 percent born to Hispanic women.

Note that more than three-quarters of these women were 20 or older. Stop for a minute and allow the percentages above to sink in. I like what Vicki Cortney has to say, "Now, take a deep breath, sigh heavily, and get ready for a dose of reality. Our children are growing up in a culture that glamorizes single motherhood, minimizes the role fathers play in the lives of their children, and overall devalues God's standard for marriage. One can only imagine the trickle down effect this trend will have on a generation of children where nearly half will not know the joy of being raised in an intact, married household. Aside from the financial burden this will place on taxpayers, it will have devastating emotional and spiritual consequences as well. The nuclear family, as we know it, is on the endangered list and nearing extinction with each passing year."

How did we get to this place with our youth? I believe the pendulum has be swinging left for the last 40 years as the Woman's Liberation movement impacted our society. Their motto, in a nut-shell, "If you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with." Their idea of sexual freedom has become our bondage.
1 out of every 4 girls between the ages of 14-19 will contact a STD
1.4 million babies will be aborted and 189,000 in the United States
Divorce rate is decreasing but so are marriage licenses. Co habitation is the popular thing. All of these things because..."If you're not with the one you love...love the one you're with"

Last night on the O'Reilly Factor a sex therapist said, "Abstinence isn't working!"
Listen lady, 78% of all government funding for sex education in the schools is given to plan parenthood. They don't teach abstinence! Perhaps that's why it isn't working!" I'm so fed up.

I'm going to the Arkansas Valley this weekend to kick-off Wake Up Sleeping Beauty in their area. I'm asking moms to join me in taking our kids back. God keeps giving me Jer. 31: 16-17. "Stop crying, stop weeping, your children will return from the land of the enemy." The government and schools will not change our kids. We will as we pray, seek, and believe that God has a prophecy over their lives and like Rebekah, we need to get aggressive to make sure it happens. Perhaps that's what we should call the movement, "The Rebekah Movement"
I want to hear from you! Love you all.


AllisonD said...

June, thank you for being bold and courageous and speaking the truth into young girls lives. The enemy is taking their innocence and filling them with lies that no harm will come. I'll be praying for you and the girls in Arkansas Valley. Allison

Jesus Lives said...

My parents recently celebrated their sixty-first wedding anniversary! yes it is possible! Many years of blessings and many times spent on their knees seeking the Lord's will. June - Keep encouraging girls to seek the Lord's will in their lives and in how they conduct themselves in their relationships. Blessings to you and all the lives you touch!

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