Wake Up Call

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 24-28 "Your Children Will Return"

"Your children will return" Jeremiah 31: 16-17

I apologize for not posting a blog every day this week. I want you to know that Jordan and I have been shredding and spending our time in the Word.

This past week I had the honor of going to Aspen, Colorado to do a Wake Up Sleeping Beauty kick-off. The moms and daughters captured my heart. I can't wait to see what God is up to in Aspen. Please be praying for them as they start their groups next week.

I also had the joy of preparing for all of our daughters and their spouses to come home. We are all getting ready to escape to Lake Powell. I can't remember the last time we were all together. Thank you Lord.

There was also break through this week. Jordan was anxious to get her ACT scores back because she wants to fast track into Mesa College her senior year. Now Jordan is a very smart girl but she struggles with test taking. While I was in Aspen she called, "Mom, I did it, I not only passed, I exceeded their standards!" Now that was amazing but her next words blew me out of the water. "Mom, I'm going to take the test again. I know that I can do better and get the scholarship that CCU offers." For a girl who stresses and cries on test days this was like the Red Sea parting and she was walking through. Like Jillian says, "If you want results you have to work hard, don't phone this one in."

Jordan and I have been continuing in our study of Jeremiah. Israel is engaged to God but she keeps finding other lovers. Jeremiah weeps over her unfaithfulness and keeps warning her that she is trading in God's glory for things that won't profit her.

There are many times in my ministry that I feel like the weeping prophet as I try to tell girls that their choices are going to lead to curses and not blessings. Time and time again I see girls fall into sexual impurity. They trade the Glory of God for things that won't profit them.

Last night I had the privilege of witnessing one of the most beautiful love stories of all times. A former Wake Up Sleeping Beauty student and her groom went to the marriage alter pure! Their wedding was a testimony to the glory of God. They shared their love for Christ with the guests as they wrote their own vows and washed each others feet. Tears stream down my face as I thought about Christ coming for a bride without blemish. The angles in heaven must have been rejoicing last night as two people came to the wedding chamber undefiled, and Holy unto God. Thank you, Wade and Chelsea for witnessing to so many last night!

This will be my final "Shred" blog as the next two days Jordan and I will be shredding in a remote spot. I feel like Jordan and I have made huge progress both mentally and physically. Jordan ran her three miles this week and I know that I will succeed soon. Spiritually I desire to look good for my Groom. I want to become the Bride that He longs for. I know that my job as His fiance is to learn and know all I can about Him while He's gone to the Father to prepare a place for me.

I want to encourage you to keep exercising your bodies and minds with your daughters this summer. Keep breaking thought barriers that have stopped you from succeeding in the past and get rid of things that steal God's glory and keep you from profiting.

I want to encourage you with a verse that God gave me when I started Wake Up Ministries, "Stop crying, stop weeping, your work shall be rewarded. Your children will return from the land of the enemy and into their own territory." Jeremiah 31: 16-17 Moms never give up. Girls never give in. When it comes to trading God's glory with the things that the world has to offer, it will never profit you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 23 "Little Profit"

"But My people have changed their glory for that which does not profit." (Jer. 2:11)

The Apostle, Paul, tells us that it doesn't really profit us that much to buff up our bodies. There are some health benefits, but it's not ever lasting. If we start admiring ourselves too much or long for the "Idol" body we will exchange our glory (being His temple) for that which does not profit.

Jordan and I spent quite a bit of time in the second chapter of Jeremiah today. God compliments Israel as He tells them, "I remember concerning you the devotion of your youth, the love of your betrothals, your following after me in the wilderness."

We compared this scene with our first loves in High School. How cool it was to take new adventures in unknown territories with the man of our dreams. "Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley deep enough to keep us from them." but then they dumped us.

They changed the glory that we had for drinking, parties, and even other women. Oh, the hurt of our first love letting us down. We gave so much of ourselves. We had a right to be angry, bitter, mean, and vengeful. Yep, we were going to drink poison and hope that someone else (our boyfriends) would get sick and die.

How God must feel when we stop depending upon Him, stop trusting, loving, or spending our time with Him in order to please the world, how much it sickens Him knowing that it will not bring us profit.

God has the right to be bitter, mad, mean, and even hateful to us as we've all dumped Him in some sore of fashion. But when we come back He forgets, forgives, and adorns us with His glory and oh, how it profits us.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 22 "Workout Three, The Last Frontier"

"Before I formed you I knew you, before you were born I consecrated you." (Jer. 1:5).

We are on the last leg of the 30 day shred. Jordan and I are committed to doing workout 3 for the rest of the duration (that would be eight days for those of you just joining us).

I want you to know that I'm a full supporter of this Jillian (that is until she comes out with some outrageous hidden secret). I think she's changed my life and a few others along the way. I'm telling everyone about "The Shred." I also show them, "just feel my abs." It's sick and wrong but I'm every impressed that our bodies can change so much with a little effort. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm pretty sure that before long Jillian's going to have to start paying me a commission for selling so many DVDs.

Jordan and I have have gone from Isaiah (the doom prophet) to Jeremiah (the weeping prophet). Now that's progress.

I've read Jeremiah a thousand times but this morning something hit me. God said, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." The word knew in Hebrew is "yada", it means to be one or intimate, it can go as far as sexual intimacy.

God is giving us a clue about His love for Jeremiah. As He knitted Jeremiah together He was putting all the right parts, pieces, temperments, looks, and love into him to do the job which he had created him to do.

"Before you were born I set you apart" He made Him unique and then gave Jeremiah his purpose..."prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah questioned the Lord. "I am a youth."

I often question my purpose, or better yet can I do it? I often think: I'm too old, not smart enough, not rich enough, or some other excuse but the fact is... God knitted me together with everything I need to do His good works. He knew me! He's crazy in love with me.

Jordan and I said maybe we weren't sent here to change nations (or maybe we were) but we are definetly created and equipped to do all that God asks us to do.

Day 21 "Father's Day Shred"

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good." Proverbs 15:3

My husband, Jay, dreamed about going to our cabin and fishing Father's Day weekend. It was the perfect weekend. The boat ran great, we caught our fishing limit in about an hour (my dream come true) and Saturday evening was quiet and peaceful as God painted us a beautiful picture in the mountain sky.

Jordan and Jay will tell you that all was calm until 8:00 am on Sunday morning. Yep, that's when the "Shred" Nazi began to shout, "Get up we're wasting daylight"

Jordan moaned, "Mom, we had a deal...we don't shred until 8:30." She wrapped the pillow securely over her head hoping that I would not bothered her again.

However, I'm smarter than the average bear so I waited a few moments and then set the only clock in the cabin up 20 minutes. "Jordan, it's 8:30!" I giggled.

"Mom, you're ridiculous." At least that's what I think she said under that muffled pillow.

While drinking his coffee, Jay, laughed as he's gotten quite use to "The Shred" routine. I took one look at him and said, "Soldier, down your coffee, you're "Shredding" too."

It was Father's day and since we have no TV at the cabin we needed Jay's stop watch. Yep, we were going to do three minutes of strength moves, two minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs (three times) while hiking straight up a mountain.

I have to say that it was one of the best times ever in the mountains. Jordan began to give her dad heck. "Dad, these are lunges, get your rear end down."

"I'm about to pull a hamstring" was his reply.

"Oh yea, your not either, you're just out of shape, I hear you breathing" She laughed.

I must tell you that at the end of our 20 minutes we were all dirty, sweating, and breathing like ninety year-old smokers. We were laughing at how crazy this all was. I can't think of a better Father's day. However, I'm not sure Jay sees it in the same way. He's walking with a limp. It must be that pulled hamstring!

While at the cabin I came across Proverbs 15:3. I smiled as it brought back memories of picking up Olivia from her Christian preschool. Olivia was a very quiet four year-old, an only child in a single parent home. I was trying to make her feel comfortable so I asked her, "Olivia what's your favorite song at school?" Before she could answer I said, "Jesus, loves me? The B-I-B-L-E? Zack, the wee little man?

"No, no, and no" was her answer. "I like...The Eyes of the Lord Go To and Fro."

"What!" I said. "I've never heard of that." Maybe it was the way she said, "Lord" rolling all the consonants together, but it was the cutest thing I'd ever heard.

In her cute little voice she said, "June, you know it, it's Problems 15:3!"

Trying to keep a straight face I said, "Olivia, do you mean Proverbs 15:3?"

"Yep, He's watching everything, His eyes go to and fro." melodically she sang.

The crackling of the fire brought me back to the present. "Oh, the eyes of the Lord watch it all. The good and the evil." I believe He smiles as He watches his children loving each other and having a good time. I believe He loves families more than anything in the world and desires for us to stay away from the evil and live the abundant life He came to give us. In the 15th chapter of "Problems" He shows us how to stay away from evil and live good.

Olivia had been through some really rough times but for her there was great comfort knowing that God sees it all, the evil and the good. My prayer for Olivia is , "God, show her how to live good, and keep Your eyes upon her." It's written in the Problems.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 18 "My Flesh Doesn't Control Me"

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh" (2 Cor. 10-3).

Jay left at 5:00 am this morning to go fishing at Blue Mesa Reservoir and I did not want to get out of bed.

When Jordan and I first started the DVD I was dragging. "I hate this" I kept saying in my mind. But by the time we were into the second stage of exercise I was actually enjoying it (well, maybe "enjoying" is stretching the truth a bit) but we made it another day. Our flesh didn't control us... we controlled our flesh.

The apostle Paul tells us "for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."

What I believe Paul is telling us is that our minds are so powerful that if we stay focused and believe in Who God IS and Who we are in God then we are capable of accomplishing anything.

Another thing Paul is telling us is that the greatest thing we can do with our minds is to tear down fortresses (imaginations or lies the enemy has put in there).

I've been thinking about the exercise where Jillian has us squat and then punch as if we were hitting a punching bag. Well, I'm going to start having fun with this exercise because when the enemy puts a thought into my mind that isn't right...something like...I'm unsuccessful, stupid, something mean spirited, or perhaps a sexual thought that shouldn't be there, I'm simply going to take a punch at Satan. I'll do this by saying, "Shut up!" Then I'm going to give him the right hook by putting Scripture into my mind...something like... "I am Christ workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" (Eph. 2:10).

Last but not least I'm going to go for the Knock Out, I'm going to walk in obedience to Christ.

So tomorrow when the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy me, he's going to be a little beat up. He can take his little jabs but in the end I will win because my weapons are divinely powerful! While I walk in the flesh, my flesh will not control me, I will control it. AMEN!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 17 "No Kids for Jillian"

"Rise up, captains, oil the shields," (Isaiah 21:5).

I do not know this for a fact, but I'm pretty sure that Jillian doesn't have any kids. This would explain why she claims that everyone can do jumping jacks, even a 400 pound person; but has she tested the mother of four? Let's just say I have a new goal...

This is totally random but as I'm sitting here typing a deer just walked across my front pasture. How awesome is our God that He gives us natural parades every once in a while.

Jordan has really been battling a certain girl. Every time Jordan turns around it seems as though this girl has another fable to tell. She is always trying to cause division between people. Her stories usually have some truth to them but then are twisted and slanted to give her the benefit. Her new favorite ploy is to hit on boys with girlfriends and then put doubt into the minds of the girls.

Babylon's days were numbered. They were about to be destroyed and would no longer bring grief to Israel. God was telling Israel pay close attention, "raise up, captains, oil the shields." In other words.... get ready for the battle, keep a lookout, and get the reports. However, Israel was afraid of war. They were afraid to confront the enemy.

I told Jordan that there may come a time when she has to confront this girl. Not with anger but with truth. She needs to be ready and watch out for her. She needed to be obedient if the Lord told her to speak. But I also said, "don't be surprised if while you are on the lookout that God overcomes your enemy."

As Israel obeyed God and put watchman on the towers they saw the riders, horsemen in pairs coming. I imagine that they were scared to death knowing that the war was about to begin. But the watchman yelled out the report "Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the images of her gods are shattered on the ground" (Isaiah 21:9).

"Wouldn't it be awesome if this girl's gods were shattered on the ground and you had a change to bring her to Christ?"

"Yes!" was Jordan's reply.

"Rise up (change your posture), captain (leader of your own life) oil the shields (be prepared for battle)." While expecting a miracle.

Day 16 "I'm Starving"

"And the Lord was with him; wherever he went he prospered." 2 Kings 18:7

I keep thinking that I should be losing weight about now, but...I'm starving. Is there anyone out there that has noticed their appetite increasing? The more I exercise, the hungrier I get. I sort of feel like the chubby boy in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. I'm about to take a dive into the river of chocolate. Somebody stop me!

I think it's awesome how God shows us in the physical what is going on in the spiritual. The more I get into the Word, the hungrier I am to find the truth. I can't get enough, praise God!

At the age of 25 Hezekiah became Judah's new king. Now many of you might remember that Israel has been split into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom is called Israel and the southern kingdom is call Judah.

When Hezekiah came into power he bucked the system. He rebelled against the ways of the culture. He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah. In our modern day terms he removed the sex billboards, cut away all the pornography, burned the Playboy mansion, and paid professional athletes minimum wages.

He took their gods away and He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. He clung to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him, and kept His commandments.

I'm sure it wasn't easy for this young king to stay firm in his commitment but the pay off was huge. "The Lord was with him; wherever he went he prospered." Are we trusting in the Lord during this recession? Are we keeping His ways or trying to be politically correct?

I can almost see King Hezekiah exercising his power slowly and then the more he does the more he wants to do for the Lord. His
appetite for justice and truth are insatiable. He's performed a triple gainer and is swimming in the Holy Spirit river. Somebody just try and stop him. AMEN!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 15 "Change Your Posture"

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you" (Isaiah 60:1).

Have you noticed all the different posture positions that Jillian puts you in while doing "The Shred?" First you are standing up, then lying down, leaning to the left, and then leaning to the right. All in the name of looking fit and feeling good.

This morning Jordan and I realized that God is calling us to change our posture. He tell us to "arise" change our position, our posture, get up and get going. He then tells us to shine. This word shine means to display. Kind of like a diamond in a display window. We are to arise and shine because the glory of the Lord has risen upon us (this happened when you came to know Christ).

God is telling us that we Christians should stand out when we walk into a room. We should have such an appearance, confidence, and attitude that seas of people are drawn to us.

Moms, girls, it time to put a bounce in our step and a sparkle in our eyes. "Arise, shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen up on us." Think about it...what are some ways that could set you apart from the crowd?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 12 "It's Friday!"

June 12, 2009
"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it" (Psalm 127)

I'm sure some of you are wondering why I haven't e-mailed you a blog every day this week. Well, it is because I didn't want to scare you (oh no, it's another blog from June). Well, rest assured that you can get on my blog everyday and see the daily post or you can wait until Friday and get the e-mail in your inbox.

I hope you are all moving forward with your "Shred' It's been great to get your e-mails and comments. For those of you who haven't read the comments on the blog we have a group in Canyon City doing "The Shred" as a group and then having their 20 minutes of Scripture. How awesome it that!! Go Canyon City!

Well, for some reason the workout seemed harder than usual today. I can't tell if it is because it's Friday and we are tired, or because we upped our weights to 3lbs (no laughing for you 5 pounders).

Today a dear friend of mine met with me to pray; the Lord gave her Psalm 127 for me. Jordan and I discussed it and realized how often we think everything is up to us. Most of the time we are running like chickens with our heads cut off.

This passage is timely for me as I get ready to start organizing and planning the fall kick-off for Wake Up Sleeping Beauty. The Wake Up Ministry prayer team believes that God is calling forth 72 moms to host small groups in their homes. The first thing I did was strategically plan how to get 72 moms (note to self, it's not up to me).

God is telling me and you to rest in Him. I have to be obedient when He tells me to do something, but the job is up to Him. Everything else I do is in vain because He gives to us even while we are sleeping (v2). How cool is that?

As we head for the Sabbath please remember to rest in Christ

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 11 "Energy and Burping Guppies"

June 11, 2009

"Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies" Isaiah 51:12

Okay, maybe I'm taking this a little to far but, My brother-in-law told me that the best thing I could do for my skin and brain is to take a little fish oil everyday. So... today I ingested a very large fish oil tablet and for several hours I burped guppies! So nasty! I think I will just stick to exercising my mind and body.

Mental anguish is the worst. When we worry, fret, and stew about our future, friends, financial situation, health, and things that will probably never come to pass, we waste a lot of time. If we were really honest with ourselves we would see that the root of all this worry is the that fact that we fear what others think. What if I score low on the ACT? My friends will think I'm dumb, colleges won't let me in and I will be less of a person than the smart girl going to an Ivy League school.

How about us moms? We think if our kids don't turn out perfect our peers will think we are terrible parents, lacking in our faith, or possibly full of sin ourselves. God asks us a question in Isaiah 51:12, He says, "Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies and of the son of man who is made like grass?"

When you think about pleasing man it is all vanity. Everyone on this earth will one day die and they will stand before God to be judge. So wouldn't it make sense to live our lives trying to please the One and Only Judge and King? Only then will we break the chains of our mental captivity.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 10 "It's All About the Delivery"

"Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?" (Isaiah 66:9)

This week Jordan and I decided that we would do workout 1 on Mon., workout 2, on Tue., and you guessed it workout 3 today. Oh baby, it was hard. I must admit that we had to resort to the modified version on several exercises, but we finished. It really inspired us to keep this up as we are determined to do it through workout 3 without modifying.

Once again, after our tough work out Jordan and I found ourselves on the sofa pondering over the captivity of Israel and how their captivity tied into our own lives. God reminded us that nothing is to hard for God. He restored Israel in one day. God asked the question, "Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? Well, you probably already know that Israel became a nation in one day back in 1948. God planned that amazing day for Israel years in advance.

We began to ask ourselves, what has God conceived in us that He has promised to bring forth. Can we rest in Him knowing that the final push will be from His strength and not our own? Will He bring us to the point of birth and not give delivery?

Job said, "No plan of God's can be stopped." So I've decided to live an obedient life to Christ and let God take care of the rest.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 9 "Breakthrough"

"The Fear of the Lord is his treasure" Isaiah 33:6

You are not going to believe it but Jordan actually set her alarm so that I wouldn't have to yell. She was up and ready to "Shred" this morning. Now that is breakthrough!

I hope you are all sticking with this. Jordan and I are a little sore and whining to each other but deep down we are loving the time together. I believe it's worth the time and struggle to motivate a teenager. AMEN?

It was back to Isaiah this morning. It seems like everything Jordan and I read this summer is about captivity. This morning Assyria was about to be crushed because it had oppressed God's people. Once again Jordan and I found ourselves excited knowing that God has and is delivering us from our captivities. We just have to know that "He shall be the stability of our times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is his treasure."

Who do you fear? Man or God?

Day 8 "Monday, Monday"

June 8 Isaiah 14:6

"How the oppressor has ceased, and how fury has ceased!" Isaiah 14:6.

I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't want to do "The Shred" Monday morning and neither did Jordan. However, after I yelled (and I mean yelled) up the stairs at Jordan for the umpteenth time I was about to lose my patients.

We persevered and were both very proud of ourselves after it was over.

Jordan said to me, "Mom have you ever had a book in the Bible become yours? You know like everything it says just jumps off the pages at you?"

"I guess I never thought of owning it, but yea, I know what you mean." I replied. "Why don't you pick the Scripture today" I suggested.

Jordan began to read Isaiah 14 and what was to take 20 minutes took an hour. "A day is coming when the captives will take their captors captive and will rule over them." Jordan and I started listing all the things that have taken us captive:

  • Things that others have said about us
  • Fear
  • People judging us
  • Rejection
  • Hurt
  • Bitterness
  • Believing who we are through the eyes of others rather than believing who God says we are

Our eyes began to fill with tears as we realized how this captivity keeps us from living the amazing free life that Christ died for.

I told Jordan, "We are going to take Communion and we are putting everyone of these captors on the body of Christ (the bread) then we are going to drink the wine (juice) knowing that as His blood washes over the bread, that we just ate, it is redeeming, cleaning, atoning, and making new all things." AMEN

"Jordan, today the oppressor has ceased, and how fury has ceased!" We are free! Just believe.

Day 6 "Rest" Day 7 "Simply"

June 6 Acts 8:16

"They had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 8:16).

On our way home from the week-end I realized that you can exercise all you want but if you don't eat right you won't be able to get the full benefit of "The Shred."

We all over indulged at the wedding. Who wouldn't? We sat down to steak, chicken, potatoes, and veggies, with all the works. Then came the chocolate fountains with bananas, strawberries, brownies, and pound cake just waiting to be dipped. Across the room waited jars of malted milk balls, spree candies, M&Ms, and Gummie bears along with their little plastic bags and ties to make the perfect parting gift. And I can't forget the amazing wedding cake. But the next day...sugar overload!!! I wanted to be sick.

Yep, we must eat right and exercise if we want the full benefit of health.

We Christians sometimes forget that if we want the full benefit of our faith we must have both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Peter and John knew the power of both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. "When they heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for He had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 8:16).

Have you received Jesus? How about the Holy Spirit? Without both it is impossible to live the full abundant life that Jesus promised us. They go together like diet and exercise.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 5 "Shredding" in an Unusual Form

June 5, 1 Thes. 4:3-4

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor" (I Thes. 4:3-4).

We were up early to get our "Shred" in before our appointment with the College. We turned on the exercise TV only to find out that "The Shred" wasn't one of our options, but...there was a 20 minute cardio video so we went for it. Our new problem...no room in the room.

I've never been one for letting the kids jump on the bed but it was our only choice. So being dedicated we did it anyway. Jordan and I had a blast doing our workout while jumping on the hotel beds. One piece of advice...don't do jumping jacks unless you like your fingernails filed by the popcorn ceilings. OUCH!

Our twenty minutes of Scripture is continuing to be priceless to me. After our fun aerobic workout Jordan and I sat on those beds face to face and opened the Bible to I Thes. 4: 3-4. I asked her, "What does sanctification mean to you?"

I won't betray her confidence, but God is asking us (believers) to be set apart for Him and abstain from sexual immorality. I believe one reason He wants us to be sanctified is so we will be fearless. Fearless of abortions, STDs, awkward relationships, what people think, and guilt. When we learn to be fearless we will conquer new territories and set new standards.

Keep "Shredding" I'm praying for you.

Day 4 "The Shred " Must Travel

June 4, Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Prov. 15:1).

Things are not always as we think they should be. On day four of “The Shred” Jordan, Jay, and I left early in the morning for Denver to attend my nephew’s wedding, visit Colorado Christian College, a school that Jordan is interested in attending after graduation, and to attend a play, staring Barbra Andrews, a close family friend. Not exactly your boring week-end.

Our big problem....When and where will we perform “The Shred” (that I forgot to pack)? On the sidewalks of the 16th street mall, that’s where (isn’t that where all improv happens)! Oh, it didn’t look like a typical Jillian workout but it was power walking and arm moving at its finest; I guarantee you that we shredded not only our bodies but our checkbook as well.

No, it wasn’t the normal Shred, and you can judge me if you like, but I assure you our hearts were right. This was the environment that we were in and we had to make the most of our conditions. Speaking of environment, on our way over the beautiful Rocky Mountains I couldn't help but notice the pine trees that grew so mightily in their perfect climate. I flashed back to the peach orchards in Palisade, CO that we had passed earlier that day and said to myself, “Those peach trees wouldn’t survive in the Colorado Mountains.” It wouldn’t be a matter of good seed or good soil; it would simply be that the environment wasn’t right for growing peach fruit.
Have you ever walked into a place that the spiritual climate was so stressful that you could cut the tension with a knife? While you didn’t see it, you could feel it? So my question is… can we change the climate of our environment (our homes, youth groups, schools, etc) so that healthy fruit trees grow?

I know that I’m rambling but the Bible tells us that we can change our environment and the climate around us by speaking kind words (Prov. 15:1). We can actually change our surroundings so that people can grow and love one another by simply speaking kind words into their lives.

You know I could have cussed myself for forgetting “The Shred,” yelled at Jay when he was back seat driving (the whole way over the mountain), and freaked out when Jordan was driving down Vail pass, but instead I decide to speak positive to myself, “June, you can get “The Shred” on free exercise TV tomorrow,” then I decided to joke with Jay about the comments coming from the back seat, and I pressed hard on the floor board of the car as if that might slow the car down.” Our environment stayed positive and we all learned and grew from the situations. So until tomorrow speak love into your surroundings and watch them grow.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 3 "The Shred"

June 3, 2 Kings 17:7

"They feared other gods and walked in the customs of the nations."

It's easy to look at the girls on "The Shred" and desire to look like them; hard bodies, large breasts, long legs, etc... Jillian keeps reminding us to work hard to accomplish a body like this. Well, are their bodies a result of working out or have they conformed to the customs of the nations?

"Now this came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against the Lord" 2 Kings 17:7.

"What came about?" I asked myself.
Captivity, slavery, and being carried away from the promised land came about as a result of their sin. What was the sin? Fearing other god's and walking in customs of the nations.

I realize that the modern day customs are to cosmetically change anything that you don't like about your body. God, however, says that your bodies are His temples. Stop fearing what men think about you and their plastic gods. Start being grateful for your natural beauty and health.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2 "The Shred"

June 2, Isaiah 19

"Behold , the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt."

Oh, today was so much better. I got up early, had my coffee, quiet time with the Lord, and then spent some time with my husband, Jay.

By 8:30 a.m. my "Shred" partner was still sleeping. "Jordan, get up it's time to exercise!" Now what 17 year-old doesn't love to be awaken by the sound of a drill Sargent?

She came down for breakfast and I began to list our tasks that we would be accomplishing for the day (keep in mind it's my birthday and I can boss if I want to).

Well, after pumping her up like a football coach ready to start out the season with his new players, we headed for the basement. Sweat beaded on our foreheads and there were times when we didn't think we could do another horizontal push-up...but we complete workout # 2.

We gave each other a high five and then plopped on the couch. It was time for mind exercise.

Isaiah 19 caught my attention. "Behold the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt."

Jordan read the whole chapter and then we began to see how Egypt is whatever is holding us captive. We came to terms with the fact that God hates captivity for His people because it keeps them from worshiping and celebrating with Him.

We both said that one thing that holds us captive is fear. So we re-read the chapter replacing the word fear where ever the word Egypt appeared and we realized that our Lord is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt (fear). He will devour it, confuse it, dry it up, and use it for His glory.

What holds you captive? Won't you let the Lord ride into your life and quickly destroy your enemy, release you from your slavery, so you might worship and celebrate with your Lord!

Day 1 of "The Shred"

June 1, 2009 (Matt 5:37)

"Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one."

Ok, so the day didn't start so well.

A friend of mine was heading off to the army and I felt I needed to say good-bye. What was to take 15 to 20 minutes took all morning.

Then it was time to clean house, pay a few bills, and before I knew it my day had turned into evening. "Oh no," was the thought in my head. "I've got the high school Bible study coming for dinner." I scurried to defrost hamburgers, find pickles, paper plates, and what ever else I was suppose to provide.

My day was hectic and in the back of my brain I was wondering, "When am I going to be able to do 'The Shred.'"

As the night went on I began to make excuses why it would be okay if I didn't do "The Shred." After all it was a busy day and people would understand.

At 9:30 p.m. the Bible study departed and I was ready for bed. While standing in my bedroom closet I had a decision to make, put on my PJ's or my workout clothes. I wanted to go for the PJ's but something kept hounding me. "You made a commitment" "I know but they will understand, it's late and I'm tired." I reasoned. The voice grew more convincing, "Do 'The Shred'" now!"

As I thought of each and everyone of you I boldly pulled up my yoga pants and headed for the TV. Yes, Yes, I will fulfill my vow. I will do what I said I would do, even when I don't want to and even if it is hard.

Jillian kicked my rear end but the Lord kicked my other end, my mind.

We need to stay committed to our commitments. Have you ever told a friend that you would do something with them and then a better offer came up and you changed the plan? Have you quit something when it became hard? We need to learn to be faithful in the little things so that when the big challenges like: marriage, raising children, jobs, etc... get hard we won't quit because we are people of our word. So...."Let your yes be yes and your no be no."

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