Wake Up Call

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 5 "Shredding" in an Unusual Form

June 5, 1 Thes. 4:3-4

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification, that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor" (I Thes. 4:3-4).

We were up early to get our "Shred" in before our appointment with the College. We turned on the exercise TV only to find out that "The Shred" wasn't one of our options, but...there was a 20 minute cardio video so we went for it. Our new problem...no room in the room.

I've never been one for letting the kids jump on the bed but it was our only choice. So being dedicated we did it anyway. Jordan and I had a blast doing our workout while jumping on the hotel beds. One piece of advice...don't do jumping jacks unless you like your fingernails filed by the popcorn ceilings. OUCH!

Our twenty minutes of Scripture is continuing to be priceless to me. After our fun aerobic workout Jordan and I sat on those beds face to face and opened the Bible to I Thes. 4: 3-4. I asked her, "What does sanctification mean to you?"

I won't betray her confidence, but God is asking us (believers) to be set apart for Him and abstain from sexual immorality. I believe one reason He wants us to be sanctified is so we will be fearless. Fearless of abortions, STDs, awkward relationships, what people think, and guilt. When we learn to be fearless we will conquer new territories and set new standards.

Keep "Shredding" I'm praying for you.

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