Wake Up Call

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 6 "Rest" Day 7 "Simply"

June 6 Acts 8:16

"They had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 8:16).

On our way home from the week-end I realized that you can exercise all you want but if you don't eat right you won't be able to get the full benefit of "The Shred."

We all over indulged at the wedding. Who wouldn't? We sat down to steak, chicken, potatoes, and veggies, with all the works. Then came the chocolate fountains with bananas, strawberries, brownies, and pound cake just waiting to be dipped. Across the room waited jars of malted milk balls, spree candies, M&Ms, and Gummie bears along with their little plastic bags and ties to make the perfect parting gift. And I can't forget the amazing wedding cake. But the next day...sugar overload!!! I wanted to be sick.

Yep, we must eat right and exercise if we want the full benefit of health.

We Christians sometimes forget that if we want the full benefit of our faith we must have both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Peter and John knew the power of both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. "When they heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for He had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 8:16).

Have you received Jesus? How about the Holy Spirit? Without both it is impossible to live the full abundant life that Jesus promised us. They go together like diet and exercise.

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