Wake Up Call

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 8 "Monday, Monday"

June 8 Isaiah 14:6

"How the oppressor has ceased, and how fury has ceased!" Isaiah 14:6.

I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't want to do "The Shred" Monday morning and neither did Jordan. However, after I yelled (and I mean yelled) up the stairs at Jordan for the umpteenth time I was about to lose my patients.

We persevered and were both very proud of ourselves after it was over.

Jordan said to me, "Mom have you ever had a book in the Bible become yours? You know like everything it says just jumps off the pages at you?"

"I guess I never thought of owning it, but yea, I know what you mean." I replied. "Why don't you pick the Scripture today" I suggested.

Jordan began to read Isaiah 14 and what was to take 20 minutes took an hour. "A day is coming when the captives will take their captors captive and will rule over them." Jordan and I started listing all the things that have taken us captive:

  • Things that others have said about us
  • Fear
  • People judging us
  • Rejection
  • Hurt
  • Bitterness
  • Believing who we are through the eyes of others rather than believing who God says we are

Our eyes began to fill with tears as we realized how this captivity keeps us from living the amazing free life that Christ died for.

I told Jordan, "We are going to take Communion and we are putting everyone of these captors on the body of Christ (the bread) then we are going to drink the wine (juice) knowing that as His blood washes over the bread, that we just ate, it is redeeming, cleaning, atoning, and making new all things." AMEN

"Jordan, today the oppressor has ceased, and how fury has ceased!" We are free! Just believe.

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